Friday, 3 June 2016

A Little Monthly Round-up | May ♡



I can't believe that we're already another month down into this year.. It's honestly so crazy and time really is flying at the moment!

Here's another little monthly round-up where you can see what I got up to, what I loved and other personal/random bits and bobs.

(and yes, in case you were wondering, I'm still not quite there with my Instagram game at the moment..)

Funniest thing that happened to you? Getting my car shrink wrapped (wrapped in black cling film type stuff) on my birthday!
Which book(s) did you read? Oops, I still haven't read anything this month even though I told myself that I would - I need to up my game on this!
Favourite movie(s)? I started to watch the beginning of 'The Princess Diaries' and I must dig out those films again because they are so good.
Something that made you proud of yourself? I started a new fitness class (Cardio Kick) and I actually really enjoy it and I push myself which makes me feel proud because I'm normally pretty bad at pushing myself when it comes to exercise.
Which games did you play? I'm still playing 'childish' games on my iPhone - Kim K, Kendall & Kylie and Township..
Did you travel anywhere? Nope! Bit of a home body to be honest - I really do need to start exploring though.
What food have you tried and loved? Currently obsessing over two breakfast cereals - Cheerios and some sort of cluster wholegrain cereal..
Which song(s) have you been listening to the most? O B S E S S I N G over 'Can't Stop The Feeling - Justin Timberlake', 'This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna' and 'Into You - Ariana Grande'.
Favourite accessory? My new bracelet that I received for my birthday!
Favourite item of clothing? This dress from ASOS and this skirt from Topshop.
What did you learn? I haven't really learnt this, but I am learning that I need to stop spending all of my money at the beginning of the month as soon as I get paid because I'm then always left short..

Funniest thing that happened to you?
Which book(s) did you read?
Favourite movie(s)?
Something that made you proud of yourself?
Which games did you play?
Did you travel anywhere?
What food have you tried and loved?
Which song(s) have you been listening to the most?
Favourite accessory?
Favourite item of clothing?
What did you learn?


How did May treat you?xoxo

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Charlotte Lane ♡

© Charlotte Lane ♡. All rights reserved.